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Every entrepreneur I know has struggled with not feeling good enough or ready enough to jump into running a business. We feel like other people know more than we do and we shouldn’t teach because we aren’t experts yet. If this resonates with you, remember that if you know 10% more about something, you are qualified to teach it.
However, I want to talk about something greater. We all have a story that is worth sharing and we all have the ability to help people. The question is why do we feel like we aren’t capable of building an awesome business and making an impact? Remember, God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called.
We look at the bible and every leader FELT LIKE AN IMPOSTER.
We are going to focus on Moses. Moses had a comfortable life when God called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. He wrestled with God about this because he didn’t want to do it.
Moses also had a stutter…yet he was called to lead and be a mouthpiece for these people.
Moses left for Egypt out of obedience and probably not the best attitude. We see in this story that Moses performed miracles and the 10 plagues came. All he did was lay out his hands or staff, and these things happened. He was able to WALK out of Egypt because Pharaoh was sick of these bad things happening. However, Pharaoh changed his mind and went after the people. They had no option but to go back or cross the sea.
But Moses lifted his staff and the Red Sea parted…
All Moses did was show up and be obedient. All of this shows that God has it handled and we just need to have obedience. We all feel like imposters, but maybe that is what God wants us to feel like so he can show us we aren’t.
“The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” Exodus 14:14
We aren’t exempt from inadequacy, but God wants us to be obedient. Also, the Selah Collective is OPEN for registration and closes this FRIDAY!!! It’s a 4-Month group coaching program for course creators, coaches + consultants looking to build or launch an online business around their God-given calling. If you’re wanting to package up your knowledge and build an online business that profitably fits your life design –> you have until Friday to enroll! Go to the link in the show notes.
Join The Selah Collective -> The 4-month group coaching program for coaches, course creators & consultants who want to build an online business and step into the calling that God has been pressing on the heart.
Join my free Facebook community HERE!
Are you a female entrepreneur who loves Jesus and wants to kill it in your business this year? Join me in our new online community where we can connect with other women who have big callings and want to build and scale epic businesses.
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Are you looking for a faith-based business coach? Contact me here!
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