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Today, on this episode of the She’s Wild & Radiant Christian Business Podcast, I want to share with you some wisdom from the late and great, Oswald Chambers. If you haven’t read My Utmost for My Highest before, it is a treasure trove of wisdom. I can’t totally explain how good the book is, but I do feel like there is so much goodness in it.
The question we are pondering today is, do we idealize our habits? Does our relationship with God become stale because we are too focused on “doing” what we should be doing to be a “good Christian?” Now I think that as the Bible tells us, there is balance here. Our walk with God is ultimately going to be a walk of faith (in which works strengthen our commitment to our faith), but we need to be cognizant of when one or the other gets out of balance and pulls us out of God’s will.
In Oswald’s reading, he directly says “Love means that there is no habit visible, you have come to the place where the habit is lost, and by practice you do the thing unconsciously.” What I think is interesting here is that to actually form a habit, you need to get to the point where it really does become second nature. It’s not something you have to think about and ruminate over – or something you have to dread. It becomes so ingrained in you.
But, in relation to our walk with God, how many times do we get stuck in the “should” instead of just walking with God out of LOVE? I think what Oswald is trying to share with us is, how often do our habits get in the way of actually living in relationship with God? How often do they stop us from being present? I know I have felt like reading a morning devotional was more work than it was a relationship – and while those times that I have grown immensely in my faith, knowledge and relationship with the Lord I have held firm to those habits, I think that we ultimately have to adapt to the seasons. For example, morning devotionals look a lot different with three little kiddos in the home – in fact, time with the Lord might be more about choosing patience and joy with your kids that morning than sitting down to read your Bible for 20 minutes at 6:00 AM.
Once again – a total balance, but the perspective is so eye opening in terms of breaking off religion and stepping into relationship. It makes you think how much we complicate our faith, and all we need to do is be present in relationship with God regardless of what it looks like that day.
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