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On today’s episode of the SWR podcast, I want to talk about whether or not it’s the right time to start or grow your online business as an economic recession is starting to take shape. I get that this can be such a scary thing for many, and I have some thoughts that will hopefully ease your mind, give you hope, and ultimately encourage you to start saying YES to what God has called you to regardless of the cost. I also want to share about my upcoming 4-6 week content break!
As we are heading into a recession and gas prices are through the roof (along with pretty much everything else), you might be starting to feel that crunch. I get it – I think we are all hurting a little more than we like as our world is shifting. But the real question is, is God really calling us to live like the rapture is coming tomorrow and forget what’s happening here? Should we be going into a doomsday prep world and only be thinking about the dangers to come, or should we be planning the best we can for today instead of worrying about tomorrow? I am not totally sure what’s going to happen, but I do think regardless of the recession, that God isn’t changing His mind regarding what you’ve been called to do. And with that in mind, a bad economy isn’t a reason to shut down those God-given dreams, meaning it might be the PERFECT time to build your online business.
In fact, crazy amounts of innovation are the by-product of recessions. You sink or you swim, and many come out leading their industries by leaps and bounds because they got creative and changed with the times. I personally think God is really going to protect His people and make sure they are taken care of (regardless of what that will mean), and I also think He is opening the door for so many kingdom led businesses as we change the culture and take back so much territory that the enemy has stolen throughout the years. So be encouraged that the time is now to say YES to those God-given dreams.
In other news, I’m heading on a 4-6 week content sabbatical! That means we aren’t airing any podcasts and won’t be on social media very much for the next 4-6 weeks as our team focuses on some other projects, prepares for the fall, and ultimately rests in God’s plan while praying for the future of the AJC company! I’ve had it on my heart to take this break for a while and social media/podcasting platforms seem to go down in engagement anyway since people are out living their lives. So I thought it would be the perfect time to take a break. Don’t worry, we will be back! Probably with some fresh ideas and some other exciting stuff that I can’t wait to take shape after praying about what God wants.
In the meantime though, The Selah Collective is accepting new applicants this month! We only open up 5 spots each month, so make sure to apply so you don’t miss out. It’s a wonderful time to get started with our team before the fall comes and business is back to booming :).
Apply for The Selah Collective! This is our group coaching program for online coaches and course creators. There are only 5 spots open, so don’t wait!
Register for the FREE God-Given Online Biz Masterclass! I will be teaching you how to build an online business that is in alignment with your God-given calling.
Check out my free community of faith-based entrepreneurs
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