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Welcome to Selah Moment Saturday. My heart for these Saturday podcasts is to give you encouragement, give you something to pray about, reflect on, and dig deeper into scripture going into the weekend and next week.
So on this episode of the She’s Wild & Radiant Christian Business Podcast, we are going to have a Selah moment today and I’m excited to share what God has been putting on my heart. I hope to give you some encouragement about the season of life we are in; I believe it’s time to drop the weight of what has been holding us down.
So many of you have been feeling the weight of so many things and I can definitely relate. The last couple years have been so heavy with things happening in the world, in families, just so many heavy burdens. If you’re like me, I have been noticing that God has been asking us to go into a season of simplification. So, I have been working to drop things that are causing me anxiety, things that have been weighing me down. I’ve been seeing this not only in the spiritual things, but also physical things in my life.
I feel like after everything we’ve been through in the last few years, God is calling us to step into a new season; a season of letting go of what’s been weighing you down. Whether that’s the past, your relationships, or anything that God might be telling you to let go of.
For me, over the last few years, I have had some friendships become distant or break. A lot of it has been because of what has happened in the world and the stand I have taken as a Christian. When you’re seeing the book of Revelation start to play out and you share it, it offends people because a lot of people don’t want to see it. So, I’ve lost friendships, had people abandon me. These are some ways that God has physically been removing things from my life. We also recently had to let go of our 15 year old yellow lab. Her health was failing and she was requiring a lot of extra care and attention. A few weeks ago, her body started to shut down, so we had to make the hard decision to let her go. It was a beautiful and peaceful experience; she laid her head on my leg and I got to pet her in her final moments. But the reason I’m sharing this is that even though we didn’t want to let her go, we loved her so much, it feels like this happened right in line with the season we are in of letting go, of decreasing anxiety, of simplifying. Not that she was a bad weight or bad anxiety, I just think God said it’s time to let go.
So again, I just feel like we are in a season of dropping things that are holding us down, dropping the weight, dropping anxiety and burdens. I want to share some scripture with you to remind you what God has in store for you, how he wants you to feel as you step into this season. Some seasons are harder than others and I don’t have all the answers, but I just wanted to share with you because it touched my heart today. I was just thinking about walking into a season of simplification, getting our house in order and taking back some of the things the enemy has stolen, like our peace.
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
MATTHEW 11:28-30
We have the ability to step into this today. I want to encourage you that if there’s anything that you’ve been needing to let go of, anything that you’ve been feeling convicted to close the door on, anything that you feel is coming to a close even though it might be painful, that you surrender to that today. We all need seasons of newness, rest, and restoration, so I just encourage you to let go of the things that have held you down so that you can walk into another season of strength and lightness. What God can do in new seasons can be so great, sometimes greater than we can even imagine.
I’m going to be making time for rest this summer, I’m all about taking breaks to recharge and rejuvenate. But if you are ready to get some serious work done this summer; if you feel like God has been calling you into a new season, I just want you to know that clarity is totally part of God’s plan for you. My hope is that you can walk into what you’re called to do with energy, strength, and excitement.
If you are someone who has been wanting to build an online course or coaching program, or if you’ve already built one but you’re just not making the money or getting the results you want, I want to invite you to apply for the Selah Collective. There are only five spots open this month and I don’t open applications every month. But I believe the devil is literally shaking in his boots because he knows that you have a radical calling on your life; but the more we wait and delay, the more we allow Satan to silence and discourage us. So I want to invite you to apply for the Selah Collective. It’s totally possible to make a complete turnaround in the next 12 months.
There is a lot of stress, pressure, and fear that comes with having big dreams, but you don’t have to walk alone. We are meant to depend on each other, to bear one another’s burdens. That is my heart behind the Selah Collective and as your Christian Women’s Business Coach, my goal is to help you reach your goals, to stop the stress, to help you build an automatic and reliable sales machine.
You have a desire to build a business that honors God, but are afraid of failure; or you have imposter syndrome. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can build a family legacy, have control over your own wealth. You can be connected to a faith based community of holy spirit fed, Jesus loving women entrepreneurs. There’s so much to this, but just know that you can dream about starting or launching or restarting or relaunching a business like this. We’ll talk more next week, just know that applications are open for only five spots this month. So if this is on your heart, just go ahead and apply. Knock on that door. It doesn’t mean you have to open the door completely and say yes, but applying just helps you officially knock on that door. The application is linked below.
Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.
Applications for the Selah Collective are open! There are only 5 spots available for the month of May. If you want to be part of our 12 month coaching program for coaches and course creators, APPLY NOW! Don’t miss out!
Are you ready to tap into the Holy Spirit, pray for your business and dive into biblical truth that refreshes your parched soul? The Set-Apart $7 Entrepreneur Club is a monthly business bible study membership for faith-filled entrepreneurs who want to grow their faith, build intentional prayer habits and be encouraged in their purpose in just 7 minutes a week.
As a Christian Business coach, I have created an amazing community of faith-based entrepreneurs. Check out my free community!
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