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December is unique in that it is a time of looking both backward and forward. It is a time to ponder what went well in your life and business. You need to ask yourself, what worked this year, what didn’t work, what tweaks need to be made and did you meet your yearly goals. Additionally, it is a time to plan, anticipate, make changes and look to the future. Where do you want to go, what do you want to do and how do you get there? This week we are talking about the top 3 things you can do in your business to ensure you thrive in 2022.
Think about what worked this year, and what didn’t.
Were you too busy? Was there something you hated doing that zapped the joy out of your life? Did you spend too much money in a certain area? By looking back over the year, we can determine what needs to be tweaked and fixed for the following year. It can be hard to admit defeat and look at your weaknesses, but it is so powerful in moving you forward. Take the time to sit in the uncomfortability of it and use that to fuel you into the next year. Use this as a chance for a fresh start in your business.
Choose Alignment
Once you know your vision, then you need to make choices that are in alignment with that vision. Even if you are in the middle of a heavy season with a lot of hustle, you can see that the hustle is leading to your vision and goals. It isn’t just hustle for the sake of hustling. By knowing your vision, you can plan your seasons of building, hustle and also seasons of rest and reward.
Create a Vision Board
We need to see where we are going and to plan what comes next. I have found that having 3 monthly goals helps me stay on track. They can be goals about money, recreation, business, personal life, etc. Writing a goal down or journaling isn’t enough. Having something visual in front of you helps tremendously. You can easily make a digital vision board in Canva or with good old fashioned pictures and glue. Hang this board somewhere that you see it often to remind you of what you are working towards. Having a visual reminder throughout the year will help you make choices that align with your vision and goals. Find the vision, set monthly goals, make your goals achievable, celebrate when you achieve something and make your dreams come true.
You got this! I have a feeling that 2022 is going to be a year of rebirth, of healing and of God’s blessing. Jump in to the goodness God has for you and your business. As a faith-based business coach, I encourage you to sit down, pray over your business and vision and then take actionable steps each month to make your goals and vision come true! Put in the work now, so you can reap the rewards next year.
Want to build, restore and claim the big picture business vision God has placed on your heart and step into accountability and strategic action? Check out Awake & Arise: A 4-week 1-1 coaching intensive mentorship program.
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