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We’re going to be talking about automation today and how you can build the life you want instead of settling for the 9-5. I do want to preface this that it’s totally okay to have a 9-5. There is no shame in going to work and just doing what you can and keeping life simple.
My real thought though is that we were made for more and that God is more exciting than the typical day to day. If we enjoy our work + have purpose + get to live out our calling, that is a wonderful life. In Ecclesiastes, it says that having joy in one’s everyday work is a good life.
I think we should strive to have joy and contentment in life and work. So, today I want to focus on how automation can specifically help with this so you don’t have to settle for the 9-5. First, let’s talk about what automation is.
Automation is basically how you can automate and simplify the steps of something to get to the point of completion. When we think about automation, we often think about manufacturing, or factories. And maybe about Henry Ford and the assembly line. In manufacturing, when things are being assembled, there is also the concept of batching things.
When we BATCH things it goes much faster. When you do something in your business and you repeat it over and over, you’re going to get faster over time because your brain is strengthening that little highway. The process of repetition and getting faster is an example of automation, because you’re able to move through the task more quickly. But if you’re just jumping from task to task, you don’t really get that consistency and it feels more disjointed.
So how can we build a better life and a better business with automation? The answer is → SYSTEMS. You create systems of batching things. Think about how you can build your own little assembly line in your business. You can create a marketing assembly line, an Instagram assembly line, one for email. You create these systems and processes and you eventually get to a point where you can automate them and don’t have to touch them that often.
There are so many ways you can build automations into your business. You might still have to physically do the work, but you can remove the tension points, so now it’s a quick thing to go do. You can also automate by outsourcing some of the work – to apps, people, companies, etc.
Also, it’s important to be super strategic in building systems that allow for maximum connection with minimal sticking points. Think creatively about how you can batch or automate processes where you still deliver an incredible experience to your customer, but you don’t necessarily have to show up for every single piece of it. And if you do have to show up for every piece, think about how you can remove all of the sticking points, the tension points.
By batching things in systems and creating automations, we will start doing things with more EASE, and the tension will be lessened. This is the point where we start to reach EFFICIENCY in our business. And all of these automated systems will ultimately give you more freedom. Then, you’ll be able to do the things you love!
The huge benefit here is that automation is going to give you your time back. You don’t have to be in the 9-5. You can build a business with automations to not only be efficient, but so you can actually spend time doing things you want to do, things that you love and that make you happy.
You have emails, funnels, all sorts of things working behind the scenes. You can outsource, especially the things you are not good at. Because ideally, we should be spending 80% of our time on things we’re good at, in our zone of genius! Systems are key to all of this. And remember, God is a God of order.
This will look different for everyone and I am speaking specifically to business owners who are wanting to find more freedom, who are wanting to build a business in alignment with their God-given calling. I really just want to help motivate you and keep you focused on the purpose of what you’re building.
I think you would agree that our goal is to be able to enjoy our lives and our work. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to spend time with our families, not having to worry about work, but being present in the moments of life with our loved ones.
If this sounds like something you want for your life, I want to help you with that. I have a FREE God-Given Online Biz Masterclass. I will teach you my five phase system on how to build an online business around your God-given calling. Check out the link below to register for that.
Also, our group coaching program applications are open. We only open up five spots a month and they are flying fast. In fact, I don’t even know if we have any left, but if you want to get into the program, click the link to apply for The Selah Collective. If you’re not able to get in this month, still submit your application and you’ll be on the waitlist for the next month. I encourage to go check out the information and apply.
Register for the FREE God-Given Online Biz Masterclass! I will be teaching you how to build an online business that is in alignment with your God-given calling.
Applications are open for The Selah Collective! This is our group coaching program for online coaches and course creators. There are only 5 spots open, so APPLY NOW! (If you don’t get in this month, you’ll be put on the waitlist for the next month).
If you struggle to find time to be in the Word and pray, you’re not alone! That’s why I created the monthly business Bible study membership. The Set-Apart $7 Entrepreneur Club gives you a bitesize Bible study that you can do in seven minutes a week. Join now!
Check out my free community of faith-based entrepreneurs
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