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Today, I am going to be talking about the 5-phase framework that God pressed on my heart for business growth. God has a natural order for everything that happens, so why would building a business operate differently? This is where my bloom framework comes in which is what I structure most of my programs around. This framework just makes sense to me and I feel like God gave me the vision for this when I started my faith-based online business coaching + education business.
Look at how a flower blooms
A flower goes through a 5 step process (seed -> roots -> stem -> buds -> vitals -> blooming).It is such a beautiful process but each step is crucial for a flower to bloom.
Your Business follows this same 5-phase growth process
People usually skip stages and expect clients to just sign up, but you need to go through the growth process. Your beginning dream is the seed. Then the roots get planted which is when you figure out your why. When your stem is growing you’re building your business basics. Then the bud phase is your branding and when you connect with your dream client. Then you need the vitals (aka your workflows and marketing). Finally, after all of those things, you bloom. When you bloom you get to actually do what you have been building and make money. You get the reward for your work!
But we know that God’s order says there is always a process. He’s telling us a formula
If you go through the proper steps, blooming should be easy! You will be properly set up and ready to take opportunities that are given to you. Don’t be discouraged if you’re not in the bloom phase right away. All of the phases of growth are crucial for having a well-established business.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:7)
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Unstoppable Hope Photography Business Challenge
Join the 2-Week Unstoppable Hope Photography Business Challenge starting on Monday, October 25th. Sign up for 2 weeks of photography training to grow and scale your photography business.
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Are you looking for a faith-based business coach? Contact me here!
Thank you for sharing this great information about the process of sowing and following the steps. I will definitely be praying and seeking how to follow the steps of asking, knocking, and seeking.