Christian Business Coach, Scale Your Business, Grow an Online Business, Christian Business Podcast, Business Strategy, Faith and Business, lead generation, Instagram, Building email list, email list

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Holy Spirit led coaches – In today’s episode, we are going to be talking about the secret marketing method for generating quick leads on Instagram. This amazing hack is absolutely what I would do if I were building my online coaching business or email list organically from scratch today. AND – I’ll tell you how I use it as a seasoned online business owner and Christian course creator in my coaching business in 2023.


This secret marketing hack has generated quite the reputation for becoming one of the leading ways to generate quick leads on Instagram. You know me, I don’t like to spend a lot of time creating organic content, unless it is to nurture my clients or potential clients that have already come in through paid advertising. Why? Because organic growth can be SO SLOW. But not everyone wants to jump into paid advertising right away, nor should they until they have a confirmed, sellable product that has been proven to convert organically through a warm audience. 

But – for my organic ladies, this strategy is totally worth doing if you are looking to quickly build your email list. PLUS, it’s super easy and a great way to get more people into your world! 

The first step to this marketing strategy is creating consistent Instagram reels. The cool thing about reels is that they are constantly playing behind the scenes and if designed right, can become an automatic lead generating machine. In fact, if you use this technique for all of your Instagram reels, stories, or posts, you’re creating an efficient lead generating platform. 

Personally, I had to learn the hard way, through watching others, testing, evaluating, and analyzing. Essentially – I reverse engineered my social media. Honestly, that’s how I learned to create reels. While social media is not my main focus, I recognize it is a strong way to build your email list. So, what’s step 2?


It’s called the 2-step post. Basically, the first ingredient to this 2-step post is to create a reel that encourages your audience to comment or DM a certain word. You’ve probably seen this before and thought What the heck? This is awesome!  Maybe even tried to replicate it yourself.

But – the second ingredient to this is ManyChat. If you don’t know what ManyChat is yet, it’s a chatbot that you can install to activate an automatic conversation sequence through DM. Inside this sequence is your opportunity to ask for the email address and engage your potential customer in a conversation about their business. Here you can create a customer journey and see what their pain points are and understand their needs. 

It’s a great way to get into that one-on-one place with them. And the best part is with the reels playing around the clock, you create a lead generation machine all over your Instagram feed. How cool is that?! 


So, if I were building an organic coaching business right now and needed to build my email list, this is the strategy I would use. Once you have engaged them through the 2-step post, you can work to get them into your facebook group and begin to nurture them through the community, value posts, and live events. It is a low risk/high value mechanism that will have you spending less time in your DMs while also leveraging more potential clients as they come across your social media. 

Now’s the time – go download this amazing template (link below) that tells you exactly how to implement this for your business and start generating more leads quickly and easily!


It’s an amazing time to join The Selah Collective! Big changes are coming to my program! This program is for the faith-filled coaches and course creators who are ready to step radiantly build, launch, and scale your high-ticket signature coaching program by stepping into God’s calling for your life, so make sure to apply so you don’t miss out! Apply now for The Selah Collective to go from $0 to $100K in the next 12 months!

Grab my guide, The Holy-Spirit Led Coaches Guide to Hitting Your First $100K in the Next 12 Months in Your Coaching Business! If you are struggling in your business, you haven’t launched yet, you aren’t sure where to start, or just stuck in the hamster wheel of posting on social media with no results, you need a roadmap! You need to know how to hit $100K in the next 12 months. I’m spilling all my secrets from building my own businesses, and providing you behind-the-scenes info about revenue, plus my proven 5-Phase Plan to help you get started!  

Click here for info about my FREE Masterclass: Recession-Proof Online Business – Build Your  Business Around You God-Given Calling! Learn how to shut down the fear and claim the faith while booking out and building your God-Given online coaching or course based business in the next 90 days! Just starting out or ready to scale? You don’t want to miss this free class!

Grab The Productivity Playbook! Designed to help you build your online business in only 20 minutes a day, now is a great time to get your year started off with the right habits! Businesses are built on habits – without good ones, your business will probably suffer. This is your go-to guide to help you sit down at your desk and know what you are working on each day. From daily tasks to content planning to organizing your team, this playbook will help walk you through where to focus and what to focus on. Click here to get your business organized for 2023!

Want to get started with Kartra, the All-In-One Funnel Builder? Use this link for a 14 Day trial!

As a Christian Business Coach, I have created an amazing community of faith-based entrepreneurs. Check out my free community and connect with other entrepreneurs who are Wild + Radiant just like you!

If you’re tired of spending hours DM-ing your audience, check this out! Designed specifically to help Coaches and Course Creators Get FREE ORGANIC Email Leads on Instagram Using This DM FLOW Template. Now, instead of spending hours on DM outreach, you can let this simple tool do it for you while you sit back and reap the rewards. 

Follow Ashley June Co. on Instagram

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Helping holy-spirit led coaches and course creators radically disrupt ministry and bring in $10-50k+ months online!